

 第二次世界大戦におけるドイツの狙撃銃や照準眼鏡について残された当時の資料は非常に少ない。このため、単なる型式名だけでは整理できない部分も多く、故に誤った解釈が一般的になっていることもある。 また、その開発過程においては、異なる思惑が、同時並行で動いていたことが見受けられるが、その詳細についての記録は発見されておらず、明確な整理は為されていない。
New Project coming

The brief history of the German Rifle Sopes of WWII

  Remaining documents from the era related on the German sniper rifles and scopes of WWII are totally scarce. Therefore, it is difficult to comprehend the whole only from the definite nomenclature and is often resulted in misunderstandings. At the process of the development, it seems different thoughts and intentions were moving at the same time, although its records have not been found and remained obscure.
  Although the explanation might be changed from the different standpoint, here in this site, I am going to settle it as "The story of the attempt and the failure of the German military universal low-powered compact rifle scope"

目 次 Contents Since: 20 Oct. 2003
(Update Information)
15 Jul. 2024 新企画予告
New Project coming
08 Feb. 2024 トップページの修正
Altered the first page
26 Nov. 2023 「戦場のZ.F.41(実戦写真)」に写真(Photo 51)を追加
Added a new picture (No.51) in "Z.F.41 in Action"
17 Jul. 2023 「戦場のZ.F.41(実戦写真)」に写真(Photo 50)を追加
Added a new picture (No.50) in "Z.F.41 in Action"
03 Mar. 2023 「戦場のZ.F.41(実戦写真)」に写真(Picture 49)を追加
Added a new picture (No.49) in "Z.F.41 in Action"
**ZF41 データベース DATABASE** (Update:09 Oct. 2023)

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