The sniper with M1943 Field Cap(Einheitsfeldmuetze). Can be presumed as a sniper from his 6x30 power binoculars. The K98k rifle is the type manufactured
between 1941-42 saying from the metal fittings.
Note the soldier on the right wears M1942 Field Cap(Feldmuetze).
ZF41照準鏡のアップ。レインシールドの形状からZF41 Type1(初期型)であることがわかる。 |
Close-up of the ZF41. From the rain shield, it seems to be an early type (ZF41 Type1). |
The Corporal (Obergefreiter) carrying a MP40 without magazine under his arm. He might be an observer of the sniping team. This soldier is wearing
M1934 Field Cap, and it is interesting that each three are wearing different type of caps. Though, they all seem to wear M1941 Service Tunic (note the
pleats on pockets).
(ドイツ名P27(t))である。この小型拳銃、そしてなぜか海軍の戦功章。何やらいわくありげだが、今となっては永遠の謎である。 |
Close-up of the Coastal Artillery Badge and the holster. This small
handgun is a Czech made Cz27 pistol. The story of the soldier with Cz27
and his Naval badge remains eternally unknown. |
写真裏面の印画紙メーカーのロゴタイプ。この印画紙が、戦前〜戦中の生産品であることは間違いない。 |
On the back of the photo, there is 'LEONAR' logo indicating its authenticity
as German produced period paper. |