Pictures of Z.F.41 in Action

Picture 32


  Unfortunately, there are some suspicious points on this photo. First, the photographic paper. Although the maker's marks on the back is "Agfa-Lupex" with a line under which indicates its pre-1945 manufacture, the paper is too white and new for a 70 years old print. And secondly, what did the photographer intended to take, consuming a valuable film? Thinking negatively, it is a well-made reproduction paper with a recently taken picture printed.


  The scope is Type2 made by cxn, which is rare for original photos. The K98k-Zf41 has laminated stock with upper band left closed. Both types are usually encountered in recent years.
  There is a helmet with splinter pattern cover behind, in a bit unnatural position.

 画面の一番右でM24手榴弾と共に写っているのは、信号拳銃(Leuchtpistole)から発射する361型投擲体(Wurfkoerper 361 LP)である。左上がその使用例。このような、ちょっと珍しい物が写っていることから、当写真の信憑性が少し高まるのだが…、真相は如何に。

  There is a Wurfkoerper 361 LP pictured in the far right, together with a group of M24 hand grenades. The projectile was launched from a flare gun, as shown in the upper left for example. This rare example pictured increases the reliability of this photo a bit..., but who knows the truth?

German Telescopic Rifle Sights of WWII