Z.F.41 Manual D136/1 :The mystery of two manuals

Page 3

Manual A
 ZF41の収納状態を示す図である。図示の収納ケースは最初期型のものであり、量産されたものとは異なる。図からわかる量産型との相違点は、蓋の取付部(蝶番の取付位置が内側)、清掃用クロス(c2 Klarinoltuch)収納部の蓋形状(リブなし)の2点である。c3のレンズ清掃用ブラシ(Staubpinsel fuer optisches Geraet:光学機器用塵払いブラシ)にも注目。

  ZF41 packed in a container. The container is very early type and has two distictive points from normal mass-produced types. The differences are the hinge of the case lid and the absence of rib on the lid for Klarinor cloth compartment (c2). Also note the dust brush (c3) in its place.

Manual B

  Now, this figure arouses a strongest suspicion. The container itself is normal mass-produced type, which does not matter. At a first glance, the absence of the dust brush, and c3 pointing nothing, is obvious. Another more, while c2 is showing the cloth in its compartment on manual A, it is only pointing the closed lid in this figure. What is the intention to make a figure like this?

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